
Sacred thread launches exclusive 2016 collection

Start 2016 with spicy and colorful textile accessories in your closet. Sacred thread has launched its exclusive collection of crochet backpacks, clutches and decoration items, carefully customized by members of the Wayúu indigenous community, located in the La Guajira region, northeast of the Colombian Peninsula.

The online gallery of the products is a sample of the cultural roots behind each creation. Each piece is a continuation of ancestral techniques that have been transmitted for generations and reflects the strong ties between their beliefs and their tissue traditions. All accessories are carefully woven by hand and the process can take up to a month to be carried out, which results in some of the highest quality Wayúu products available in the market.


This collection took place in December 2015 at Expoartesanías, one of the most important international exhibitions of traditional and contemporary crafts that takes place every year in Colombia. 80 Wayúu artisans together with the members of sacred threads involved in a teamwork where training programs, international mentoring and individual coaching were developed prior to the event. The result, more than 88,000 people, including national and international buyers were attracted to work and passion on each article, with outstanding results for both the community and the organization.


Sacred Thread is a social company and member of the Ethical Fashion Forum that seeks to rescue the cultural heritage of communities in Latin America, through the empowerment of entrepreneurial women through the training and modernization of production centers to develop a textile production sustainable. Since 2013, Sacred Thread promotes ethical trade with a sustainable and inclusive model that pursues greater socioeconomic well -being.

Author: Adriana Villalba